Watch Me Build A Passive Income Business In 30 Days Using Affiliate Marketing & Organic FREE Traffic
Look over my shoulder, as I build a brand new affiliate business to kickstart 2020 off with a bang!

Brand new business - No existing traffic - No email list - All built from scratch
From the Desk of Tony Newton
I'm only offering this to my subscribers and loyal followers, so I'll keep this message short and straight to the point 🙂
This year marks my 16th year of working full-time from home.
During that time, I've been able to make a stable affiliate income using nothing but organic free traffic. This is publishing content and getting people to view it on Google, YouTube and other platforms.
Whilst paid traffic can provide faster results, it can also leave a huge hole in your wallet if you don't know what you're doing. That's why I have spent years focusing on driving free traffic instead. And with free platforms like YouTube, you don't have to wait months for results either, like you might do with traditional SEO and ranking a website in Google.
What's This All About?
As we start the new year, I've been looking back on previous years and decided that it's time to ramp up my affiliate business to another level.
So I've decided to set myself a brand new challenge for 2020 and would love to have you along side for the ride!
Not only will I be able to show you how I build an affiliate business but I'll also be scaling my own affiliate business at the same time too.
The 30 Day LIVE Niche Affiliate Marketing Challenge: Building Passive Income Using Organic Free Traffic
Catchy title, eh?
Let's call it The 30 Day Niche Affiliate Challenge for short!
Starting on January 6th 2020, I'm starting a brand affiliate business that will bring in commissions completely passively from organic FREE traffic (once set up).
I'll document everything from Day 1 through to Day 30. You'll get to see over-my-shoulder as I piece everything together, all recorded so you can watch at your leisure.
The aim of The 30 Day Niche Affiliate Challenge is so you can simply copy the techniques and methods used for your own affiliate business.
And these methods work well:

You just follow along and implement the same strategies as we go.
You'll be able to start 2020 with a bang and build a solid business that could potentially continue to pay you for years to come, or even allow you to replace your current income (if that's what you want to do).
Here's just a few of things that will be covered:
- Choosing the niche
- Finding the best affiliate products to promote
- Setting up and optimizing the various organic channels
- Keyword research and content creation
- Monetizing the channels
- SEO techniques
- Organic traffic methods
- ...and lots more
Everything will be documented and shared on a daily basis. You get to see the niche, the URL's, traffic, clicks...EVERYTHING.
How Does It Work?
The 30 days of training will be shared in a Private Facebook group. Each day I'll share what I've done on that particular day. This content will be in the form of text and video training where necessary.
Being in this group format, means you are free to ask any questions about the challenge and can also connect with other affiliates going through the training too.
You'll have permanent access to this private mastermind area, after the 30 days. So if you want to take your time building your business, then you can simply watch the various training at your leisure.
Instant access to this group is provided, so you can jump right in now and check out the modules that are already included.
Here's Everything You Get
Daily, Step By Step, Training - You'll see how to build a niche affiliate business using nothing but FREE organic traffic in 30 days, starting from scratch.
Each day will have it's own update and you'll see exactly what I have done. There are also training videos showing how to complete the various tasks.
Access to the Private Mastermind Group - This is where you view the training, ask questions and connect with other like-minded affiliates. I'll be in this group daily to answer your questions.
How Do I Join?
The doors to The 30 Day Niche Affiliate Challenge are open right now and the challenge is under way 🙂
You'll get instant access to the training area, where you can view the current modules and the future ones being added each day.
To sign up, just use the button below. It's a ONE TIME payment.
$197, Just $97

I'd love to have you on board and hope to help you build a super successful affiliate marketing business in 2020!

Any questions? Just let me know
Q.What else do I need to purchase to make this work?
A.In one of the modules, I’ll be showing how to create and set up your own WordPress website. So you’ll need to have a domain name and hosting (~$10/m). The other platforms are 100% free to use. Content creation can be done for free but I’ll be using some inexpensive tools, which are optional.
Q.What happens after I order?
A.You’ll be redirected to a page with all the instructions you need. You’ll be able to join the Private Mastermind Training area right away.
Q.Is this different to other training courses you have created?
A.This a brand new for 2020. Whilst some materials may overlap, the 2020 Niche Affiliate Challenge uses techniques and some platforms that I have never created training on before. So it’s the very latest and up-to-date training, using methods that will bring in free traffic and commissions for months/years to come.
Q.When does the Challenge start?
A.The 30 Day Niche Affiliate Challenge starts on the 6th January 2020 and will run for 30 days. But when you join now, you’ll get access to the Private Mastermind Group, where you can check out pre-challenge training.

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