HT Accelerator

Training Area

Welcome to the training area!

Simply follow the training step by step and create your own hugely popular high ticket affiliate marketing business.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Before we dive into 'high ticket' products, let's first look at how affiliate marketing actually works.

This video explains the amazing business model:


You simply find affiliate programs for products you want to promote and apply for them. Once you have your unique affiliate link, you can then find targeted traffic and provide your link to them.

Why High Ticket?

High ticket affiliate marketing allows you to get paid $500, $1,000 or more for each sale you make.

That means you only have to make 10+ sales to potentially be earning $10,000+ each month.

This video explains more:


Finding High Ticket Products

Now that you can hopefully see the advantages of promoting higher ticket products, let's now look at how to find quality products to promote.

One way to do this is by using Google.

This video shows how:


ClickBank is a very popular affiliate network that also has high ticket products you can promote.

This video shows how to find them:


Legendary Marketer is a very popular company in the make money online space. They have low ticket and high ticket products available in their eco-system.

This video has more information:


You can learn more about their affiliate program from here.

Quick Tip - You have a better chance of getting accepted to the affiliate program if you join the 15 Day Business Builder Challenge first. Click here to check it out.

Building Your Funnel

The best way to promote affiliate products is by using a simple marketing funnel.

This allows you to build an email list and also share the benefits of the product you have chosen to promote.

This video shows what a typical funnel looks like:


And here is an example of what a squeeze page and bridge page look like:


Here are some options to help you create your marketing funnel:

ClickFunnels - One of the most popular funnel building software apps. You can learn more from here.

Aweber - A very popular autoresponder that can be used to manage your email lists and it also has web page templates you can use too. Find out more from here.

GetResponse - Another very popular autoresponder which also has built in templates to use. Find out more from here.

Fiverr - You can pay someone to create your funnel for you. Fiverr is a great place to find someone. Check it out here.

Email Autoresponder Series

Once people sign up to your free offer, they get added to your autoresponder.

What you can now do is create a series of emails that automatically get sent out to everyone who signs up.

Ideally, you want to be sending out an email every single day. This doesn't have to be done manually, you only need to set it up once.

This video shows how this is done in Aweber:


Here are some things you can include in these emails:

  • Share the main benefits of your high ticket product
  • Create a review video of the product
  • Add some bonuses if they buy today
  • Share testimonials from people who have used the product and got results
  • Reveal how it's personally helped you
  • Paint the picture of what life would be like if they got similar results

The main aim of these emails is to bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be. Your product is the answer to help them do that.

Driving Traffic

Now that you have your funnel and email sequence created, it's time to start driving traffic (people) to your squeeze page.

Here are some methods you can use:

Method #1 - Blogging

This video shows how to use a blog to promote affiliate products:


BlueHost - A popular web hosting company that can be used to create your WordPress blog. You can learn more from here.

Method #2 - YouTube

This video shows how to use a YouTube channel to promote affiliate offers:


YouTube - You can create a YouTube channel, post videos and add your affiliate links underneath those videos. Check out YouTube from here.

Video Creation - There are lots of ways to create videos for YouTube. You can use a smartphone, record your screen or use software such as InVideo.

How to come up with topic ideas for your videos:

Find 3-5 channels in your niche that post regularly. Use the same ideas they share but put your own spin on them. You can sort their channels by popular videos, to see which videos you should start with first.

Here's how to structure your videos:

First 5-10 seconds - Introduction

Next 5-10 seconds - Branded introduction

Next 1-10 minutes - Main content

Last 5-10 seconds - Call To Action (Like/Subscribe/Click The Link Below)

How to correctly optimize your videos when uploading:

Keyword As File Name

Keyword in Thumbnail Name

Keyword In Title

Keyword in Description (x3)

Keyword in Tags

Method #3 - Short Videos

Short 15-60 second videos are hugely popular right now.

Popular platforms you can use are:

  • YouTube Shorts
  • TikTok
  • Instagram Reels
  • Facebook Reels

You can create videos and upload the same ones to each platform.

The great thing about short videos is that they are so easy to create. Just be aware that the videos must be VERTICAL videos, not horizontal videos.

Here are several options you have:

#1 - Use Your Smartphone

These days, most of us have smartphones with built in cameras. These are ideal to film short videos.

You can either talk into the camera, or flip the camera to point at a computer screen or whiteboard.

#2 - Video Creation Software

There is a tool called InVideo, which creates all types of professional videos including vertical short videos.

All you need to do is add the text you want, choose which backgrounds to display, add a voiceover if you wish and then InVideo will produce a professional video ready to be uploaded right away.

Video Creation Tips

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your short videos:

#1 - Grab Attention Fast

You only have the first 5 seconds to grab the attention of a viewer. Therefore, it's important to tell them what they are about to watch.

Don't introduce yourself, just jump right into the introduction, so that people know if to stay or leave.

#2 - Be Entertaining

To keep the attention of your viewers, you should try not to create boring videos.

Use multiple camera angles and clips to keep the attention going.

#3 - Use Call To Actions

If you want to get RESULTS from your videos, then you need to tell people what actions you want to take.

You can do this at the end or even throughout your videos.

Some popular call to actions can be:

  • Click the link below to learn more
  • Be sure to Subscribe to my channel
  • Click the link in my bio
  • Follow me for more tips
  • Share this video with your friends

You get the idea.

Share your information, then lead people to the next logical step.

Method #4 - Facebook Profile & Group

Facebook is a great platform to use for high ticket sales.

There are a few simple steps to follow:

#1 - Create A Profile

#2 - Add Content

#3 - Build Up Your Friends List

#4 - Message Those Friends

#5 - Create A Group & Share More Content

Let's dig a little deeper into each of those.

#1 - Create A Profile

You should create a professional looking profile. The first thing is to have a profile photo that clearly shows your face.

Next, have a cover/header photo that tells people what you do. This means that people can quickly see what you do and how you can help them. Something like "I Help People Sell More High Ticket Offers With No Extra Ad Spend" is quite common.

#2 - Add Content

It's important that you add new posts as often as you can. Ideally once a day.

You can use a combination of results, value and lifestyle posts. So, share results you are having, tips about your niche, photos of your lifestyle, meals, drinks, gym etc

These don't have to be professional and you don't have to look or be perfect. People won't connect with that. It's best to be REAL and honest with your content.

#3 - Build Up Your Friends List

You should request 10-50 new friends every single day. It's best to do this using a mobile device, to avoid warning messages from Facebook.

Find people in related groups, from related ads, from friends of friends and request to add them.

#4 - Message Those Friends

When people accept your friend request, message them and start up a conversation. The aim here is NOT to sell. It's to find out where they are in their journey and see if what you're offering might be a good fit for them.

If it is, then you can introduce it to them.

If they're not ready for it, then tell them you are available to help them if they need it and move on.

#5 - Create A Group & Share More Content

Having your own Facebook group can be a real gold mine. It's your own community. Your own tribe.

Mention your group in your daily posts now and then, get friends interested and wanting to see more of what you do.

Add content to your group weekly. Share more tips in your niche and encourage curiousity about the product you are promoting.

Be real and genuine to your members and they'll like and trust you more.

This also gives you another opportunity to direct message new members. Introduce yourself and ask if they need any specific help. Start conversations and see where they lead.

Method #5 - Solo Email Ads

This method is not free but it can be deadly effective.

It's where you pay someone, who already has an email list, to send out YOUR email to their list.

This means you can send people directly to your squeeze page and start building your list fast.

The method works best in the 'make money online' niche as there are a lot more list owners in that space.

This video shows what to look for using Udimi:



To sum up, you just need to follow these 3 steps to create your own $10,000+ per month system:

  1. Find A High Ticket Product
  2. Create Your Marketing Funnel
  3. Drive Traffic To Your Funnel

Once you have set up #1 and #2, you can then simply focus on driving traffic. Measure your results and adapt as you move forward.

We wish you all the best in your new high ticket adventure!

Thanks for watching!

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