June 2018

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The Undercover Spy Lab
In this lab, we examine a site that has been sold and see how we can replicate the results (without all the guesswork.)
The Site – SiestaHammocks.com.au
Flippa Listing - https://flippa.com/9769860-siestahammocks-com-au
Date Sold - 17th May 2018
Price Sold For - $27,842
Age of Site When Sold – 5 Years
Details – Whilst this site drop ships their products, it could easily work just as well being an Amazon affiliate site. Once ranked, you could choose how to sell the products and what works best for you.
Keywords Targeted – The site is based solely around hammocks in Australia and ranks for hundreds of keywords targeting hammock keywords.
Backlinks – According to MajesticSEO, the site only has 10 backlinks from a total of 5 referring domains. So it wouldn't take much work at all to rank a similar site.

What My Plan Would Be To Clone The Results – I would set up a brand new site using a domain name that has 'hammock' within it. I would then create 1,000 word content posts that target relevant keywords and also have reviews on as many related products as I can find on Amazon. I would want to create at least 50 unique pages on the site and each will have my Amazon affiliate links on.
Potential keywords I would target:
hammock on stand
hammock chair
camping hammock
hammock tent
portable hammock
hammock review
hammock reviews
best hammock
best hammocks
hammock for baby
hammock swing
and other related keywords found during research.
I would use social, Web 2.0 and PBN links to rank the site over the course of 12+ months.
The aim would be to get to $500+ per month in profit and then sell for $15,000+
The Sniper Lab
The Sniper Lab is all about creating small 3-5 page websites that target buyer keywords with an Exact Match Domain (EMD).
You simply browse the Amazon marketplace to find products, then put those into the Google keyword planner and see what searches come up. Find one that gets 250+ searches a month that has a .com available domain and you're good to go!
You can use a free keyword tool like this one to get more accurate search volumes than the Google keyword planner now gives you.
These are really simple sites to make and each can make you 4 figures in profit when you sell them. They make great additions to add to your Amazon empire.
This video has more information:
(Click the fullscreen icon to enlarge the video)
Here are some domains you can use right now (each one is available as I'm typing this and has a clean history):
hammockhangingchair.com - 4,400 searches per month
portablehammockstand.org - 4,400 searches per month
hammockgear.org - 4,400 searches per month
hammockfreestanding.com - 3,600 searches per month
indoorhammockchair.com - 3,600 searches per month
hammockwithmosquitonet.com - 3,600 searches per month
hammockstandwooden.com - 2,900 searches per month
woodenhammockstand.org - 2,900 searches per month
portablefoldinghammock.net - 2,900 searches per month
doublehammockwithstand.net - 2,400 searches per month
These will obviously be snapped up fast by members but give you an idea of what to look for. A new list will be added every month.
The Ranking Lab
Choosing Your Amazon Niche Wisely
Now that Amazon pays a percentage per category and not by how many sales you make, it's important to check it out before you start building a site in a new niche.
For example, the site I purchased which I've detailed in the last few months is in the pets niche. This pays out at 8% for most products. One particular product on the site costs $225, so is a good commissions when it sells.
But for niches where products cost $20-$50 and they only pay 4% in the niche, you might want to consider trying a different niche to make it work.
You can see the percentages in the table on this page - https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/help/operating/policies
It's always worth seeing how much you could make before putting in the effort of building a site.
The Q and A Lab
Questions that have been sent in this month:
Q – How important is on-page SEO?
A – Actually, not as important as most people make out. Just get your main keywords in the title/URL/H1 tag and at least once in the content and you're good to go.
Q – What's the best way to analyse a keyword for ranking?
A – Just look at the top ten results in Google. How old are they? How big are they? How many links do they have? Are they all huge authority sites? Are there any EMD sites? Once you compare the top ten, it's quite easy to see if there are any opportunities to rank your site in the top ten.
Q – Do I just use PBN backlinks?
A – I always start with socials and web 2.0 links for branding purposes. Then move on to PBN's after several weeks.
Q – What's your time frame for making money from a new site?
A – These days I aim for 3 months minimum before I expect to see a site rank and make money. But I do things fairly slow for safety.
Have a question? Send it in - tony@zonbootcamp.com