October 2018

Upcoming Training
New training will appear here monthly. So be sure to sign up to the update list at the top of the main members area page and I'll email you the moment it is live.
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The Undercover Spy Lab
In this lab, we examine a site that has been sold and see how we can replicate the results (without all the guesswork.)
The Site – BestClippersForMen.com
Flippa Listing - https://flippa.com/9939229-bestclippersformen-com
Date Sold - 14th September 2018
Price Sold For - $16,000
Age of Site When Sold – 2 Years
Details – This is yet another perfect example of an Amazon affiliate niche specific website. Making $500-$600 per month and sold for $16,000. Nice 5 figure sum for a relatively small and easy to replicate website.
Keywords Targeted – It targets hair clippers and related items.
Backlinks – The site has 137 links from 62 referring domains according to MajesticSEO.

What My Plan Would Be To Clone The Results – I would set up a brand new site using a domain name that had the word 'clippers' in it. I would then create 3,000 word content posts that target relevant keywords and place Amazon native ads on each page. I would most likely need to have 100+ posts on the site to become more of an authority but these can be added on an ongoing basis.
I would use social, Web 2.0 and PBN links to rank the site over the course of 12+ months. I would heavily focus on getting topically related and thematically related backlinks.
The aim would be to get to $1,000+ per month in profit and then sell for $30,000 - $40,000.
The Sniper Lab
The Sniper Lab is all about creating small 3-5 page websites that target buyer keywords with an Exact Match Domain (EMD).
You simply browse the Amazon marketplace to find products, then put those into the Google keyword planner and see what searches come up. Find one that gets 250+ searches a month that has a .com available domain and you're good to go!
You can use a free keyword tool like this one to get more accurate search volumes than the Google keyword planner now gives you.
These are really simple sites to make and each can make you 4 figures in profit when you sell them. They make great additions to add to your Amazon empire.
This video has more information:
(Click the fullscreen icon to enlarge the video)
Here are some domains you can use right now (each one is available as I'm typing this but most have been used before due to the popularity of the niche):
haircuttingmachine.net - 5,400 searches per month
baldheadshaver.com - 2,900 searches per month
trimmerformen.org - 2,900 searches per month
hairclippersfordogs.org - 2,900 searches per month
bestbarberclippers.org - 2,400 searches per month
bestrazorforshavinghead.org - 2,400 searches per month
professionalbarberclippers.org - 1,900 searches per month
facialhairtrimmer.net - 1,900 searches per month
hairclipperscordless.net - 1,900 searches per month
electrichairtrimmer.net - 1,600 searches per month
These will obviously be snapped up fast by members but give you an idea of what to look for. A new list will be added every month.
The Ranking Lab
How To Get Fast Social Traffic
This month I want to discuss a method of getting some targeted and fast social traffic to your websites. This works for Amazon sites and any other sites you need to get traffic to.
What I'm talking about is social influencers. Specifically Instagram influencers.
The way this works is this:
#1 – Find an influencer in your particular niche
#2 – Ask them if they allow paid shoutouts
#3 – Pay them and send over your creative and when you want it posting
#4 – Check your stats to track clicks and potential sales
(A shoutout is basically when they add YOUR image to their page and you can also add your link in their bio for a certain period of time too).
If you make sure that your image has a great call to action and has appeal to the audience, then it's a great way to get targeted traffic in 24 hours from now.
It's cheap too.
Check out https://shoutcart.com/browse which has influencers listed, with prices, that you can buy shoutouts from.
You can get your image in front of 56,000 people for just $10.
Then simply repeat this process, find an image that converts and scale it to the moon.
Or the smarter option is to send them to a squeeze page, collect their emails and then you can market to them for years to come. Plus you're building a huge asset that will add value if you choose to sell the website you are sending the traffic to.
If you want traffic fast (and cheap) then social influencers are really the way to go right now.
The Q and A Lab
Questions that have been sent in this month:
Q – Do you build lists from your Amazon sites?
A – I certainly should do but for the most part I don't. Because I'm in different niches, it's difficult to set up specific funnels and emails for each one. If I had just one large website that I focused on, then yes I certainly would build an audience to market to via email.
Q – Have you ever tried using FB ads for your sites?
A – I have used FB ads for certain projects but never for Amazon sites. It's hard to make it work with the high cost of the ads versus the relatively low commission that Amazon pays out.
Q – Are your PBN links still working?
A – Yes. They are still the best way to rank sites as long as you set them up correctly.
Q – Google is showing more of their own assets towards the top of the results and pushing organic listings down, have you seen this affecting your sites?
A – I don't pay that much attention to each thing Google changes. I just focus on my own business, which is building sites, building links and tracking rankings and sales. If I get caught up in following little changes then it will affect my work. So I just stick with what I know and leave Google to do what they do.
Have a question? Send it in - tony@zonbootcamp.com