October 2017

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The Undercover Spy Lab
In this lab, we examine a site that has been sold and see how we can replicate the results (without all the guesswork.)
The Site – 420Beginner.com
Flippa Listing - https://flippa.com/8509424-420beginner-com
Date Sold - 24th July 2017
Price Sold For - $165,000
Age of Site When Sold – 16 months
Details – I'm adding this site this month as an example of what can be done in just over one year. In just 14 months it has gone from nothing to being sold for $165,000!
Whilst the topic may put people off (it's about growing drugs), it just shows that targeting a popular niche can really pay off.
It has just 42 articles yet was making $7k-$8k a month in profit when it was sold.
Keywords Targeted – It targeted all types of grow lights related keywords.

Backlinks – The site has 200 referring domains pointing to it, no PBN's were used. Instead they did guest posting and link outreach to other related sites.
What My Plan Would Be To Clone The Results – I would set up a brand new site using a domain name that has good branding potential. I would then create 1,000 word content posts that target relevant keywords and place Amazon native ads and other monetization on each page. I would most likely need to have 75+ posts on the site to become more of an authority in the niche but these can be added on an ongoing basis.
Potential keywords I would target:
grow lights
LED grow lights
best LED grow lights
LED grow lights reviews
indoor LED grow lights
indoor grow lights
plant grow lights
best grow lights
and other related long tail keywords found during research.
I would use social, Web 2.0 and PBN links to rank the site over the course of 12-24+ months. I would heavily focus on getting topically related and thematically related backlinks..
The aim would be to get to $5,000+ per month in profit and then sell for $100,000+
The Sniper Lab
The Sniper Lab is all about creating small 3-5 page websites that target buyer keywords with an Exact Match Domain (EMD).
You simply browse the Amazon marketplace to find products, then put those into the Google keyword planner and see what searches come up. Find one that gets 250+ searches a month that has a .com available domain and you're good to go!
You can use a free keyword tool like this one to get more accurate search volumes than the Google keyword planner now gives you.
These are really simple sites to make and each can make you 4 figures in profit when you sell them. They make great additions to add to your Amazon empire.
This video has more information:
(Click the fullscreen icon to enlarge the video)
Here are some domains you can use right now. This month I have included domains that have been used before, simply because they have high search volume. I recommend building a small site with 1-2 pages/posts and checking they get indexed in Google before adding the rest of the content.
t5growlights.org - 5,400 searches per month (has been used several years ago but worth a go due to number of searches)
indoorgrowlights.org - 2,900 searches per month (has been used several years ago but worth a go due to number of searches)
bestledgrowlights.org - 2,900 searches per month (has been used several years ago but worth a go due to number of searches)
fullspectrumledgrowlights.net - 2,400 searches per month
fluorescentgrowlights.net - 1,900 searches per month (has been used several years ago but worth a go due to number of searches)
cheapledgrowlights.net - 1,300 searches per month
growlightsforplants.org - 1,000 searches per month (has been used several years ago but worth a go due to number of searches)
growlightsled.net - 1,000 searches per month (has been used several years ago but worth a go due to number of searches)
growlightsforsale.org - 1,000 searches per month (has been used several years ago but worth a go due to number of searches)
1000wattledgrowlights.com - 480 searches per month
These will obviously be snapped up fast by members but give you an idea of what to look for. A new list will be added every month.
The Ranking Lab
Sniping Six Figure Sites
I thought I would touch upon this month's example site a little more and show just how easy it would be to snipe sites like this to create yourself.
After all, who wouldn't want a nice six figure pay-off by Christmas 2018!
The site, which sold here https://flippa.com/8509424-420beginner-com, gives you all the information you need to basically copy it and get the same or better results.
Now of course I'm not talking about copying content. What I mean is you can see exactly:
- How many pages the site has
- What keywords it is targeting
- How many backlinks it has
- Where those backlinks are coming from
All this information can be found in minutes.
Then all you have to do is put in the effort to build the site and get the same backlinks from the sites it has got backlinks from.
Just a few hours a week could easily result in you creating a $5k-$10k a month profit site that you could flip for $100,000+ by Christmas next year.
And you don't even have to re-invent the wheel or find a secret niche.
It's all laid out for you when you do a little research on Flippa. That's why I'm not recommending everyone go and build a site on LED grow lights. But check out what sites are selling for 5 and 6 figures and you can see exactly what you would have to do to get the exact same results.
You will see how many articles you need, what keywords to target, how many backlinks and where to get backlinks from. All with just a few minutes of your spare time.
This method has been a real goldmine for me over the years, so don't dismiss it before you try it.
Everything is hidden in plain sight if you know where to look!
The Q and A Lab
Questions that have been sent in this month:
Q – Do you ever buy PBN links from other people?
A – Not personally. I prefer to build my own and have full control over the links. Plus, there's no guarantee that the person is covering footprints and they might even be hosting on the same companies servers as your own money sites. So for me, the risk is just too much.
Q – Do you ever do press releases?
A – Again, I have never found them that powerful. They tend to drop off the sites they are posted on quite quick making the links less powerful.
Q – How fast can I send PBN links to a brand new site?
A – If you are setting up the PBN's correctly, you can send links right away. Just be sure to send branded (naked URL) links first. Never start with using your main keywords as anchor text. To be safe, I recommend doing social links first as it's more natural to what a 'real' website owner would do.
Q – How do you know how much content to add to a page for it to rank?
A – The easiest way is to analyse the top ten sites that are already ranking. Use a word count website and see how much content they have on the page. Take an average of all ten and that will give you a good idea of how much you will need to match them.
Have a question? Send it in - tony@zonbootcamp.com